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David Baumont

President and co-founder

He was involved in international collaborations with TSO, especially to verify that the SHA for nuclear sites were conducted in conformance with the national regulations and international practices.


D. Baumont is the author of advanced numerical tools in the field of engineering seismology (strong ground motion modeling, probabilistic and deterministic hazard assessment accounting for epistemic and aleatory uncertainties). He benefits from vast experience as an external expert and reviewer in scientific committees. As Project or Task Coordinator, D. Baumont has been involved in various research programs in a broad range of topics covering crustal and lithosphere characterization, geological investigations, historical seismicity, ground motion and macroseismic intensity modeling, seismic monitoring and seismic hazard assessment, adopting an explicit quantification of the uncertainty at each step of the seismic hazard computation (data, models, methodologies).

David Baumont has 20 years of extensive experience in geoconsultancy services for a variety of critical facilities (nuclear sites, Oil&Gas projects, large infrastructures and dams) requiring the development of complex logic-trees in PSHA and DSHA analyses.


D. Baumont is a recognized Seismologist Expert for seismic hazard assessments conducted in compliance with various standards and guidelines (IAEA and RG 1.208, ASME/ASN, EN 98-1, EN 1473, NFPA, API), He performed or peer-reviewed numerous seismic hazard studies in various seismotectonic settings, including Stable Continental Regions as well as complex 3D, subduction areas, following the SSHAC approach, either as Technical Integrator, Head of the calculation team, Project leader, or member of Participatory Peer-Review Panel.  As former Director of the IRSN/BERSSIN (French Regulatory Agency), he was responsible for the seismic hazard assessment reviews at French nuclear sites.



Christophe Martin
Director and co-founder

Christophe Martin has 30 years of professional experience in Geoconsultancy services related to the assessment of seismic hazard, earthquake risk and losses, and definition of seismic design ground motions. He used to provide consultancy services for a wide spectrum of multi-disciplinary infrastructure projects, with a current specialized emphasis on nuclear power and Oil&Gas projects.


He performed regional and site investigations to assess geologic and seismic hazards for Nuclear Power Plants, large engineered facilities, including bridges, dams, pipelines, and LNG terminals, throughout France and several other countries (Armenia, Algeria, Azerbaijan, Bolivia, China, Chile, Croatia, Turkey, Indonesia, Iran, Italia, Peru, Jordan, Morocco, Myanmar, Romania, Spain, Russia, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom).

These investigations typically involve assessment of earthquake hazard and seismic sources, detailed site characterization to assess deterministic and probabilistic ground motions, site effects, liquefaction potential, surface fault rupture capability, and static and dynamic slope stability.

During the last 10 years, C. Martin has coordinated the revision of the seismic hazard assessments for almost all the nuclear sites in France and conducted advanced PSHA and DSHA for different sites adopting the SSHAC spirit procedures aiming at capturing the center, body, range of the technically defensible interpretations. As such, he his familiar with the treatment of uncertainties and the development of complex logic trees. He is author of numerous project reports submitted to peer-review by national regulators, and prepared according to the requirements of various safety rules or guidelines.

Gabriele Ameri
General manager and co-founder

Gabriele Ameri is a recognized Seismologist expert in Ground Motion Modeling and seismic hazard evaluation process undertaken following the IAEA and US RG 1.208 requirements.


He managed several seismic hazard assessment studies for nuclear facilities, offshore platforms, LNG terminals, larges dams and major infrastructure in various tectonic environments. Gabriele Ameri acted as GMM Lead in the SSHAC level 2 & 3 projects.



He also has extensive experience as Project or Task Coordinator in various research programs (e.g., SIGMA project) in a broad range of topics covering GMPEs development, site effects assessment, ground motion simulations and site-specific or regional seismic hazard assessment.

Gabriele Ameri has performed relevant research activities in the development of empirical ground motion prediction equations (GMPEs), in the simulation of earthquake ground motions using advanced numerical tools, in the characterization of finite-fault effects (e.g., directivity) and in the analysis of earthquake records to retrieve source and site parameters. He is author of over 30 scientific publications in peer-reviewed international journals.

Kiana Hashemy is an engineer with a PhD in Engineering Seismology from Politecnico di Milano and 5 years of experience in industry in the field of seismic hazard assessment and geotechnical earthquake engineering.


Before joining SEISTER, she was involved in geoconsultancy services working on numerous industrial projects such as oil and gas platforms, industrial plants, artificial islands, highways and railways in Italy and abroad. Her area of expertise covers the field of probabilistic and deterministic seismic hazard assessment, ground motion numerical simulation, site response analysis, liquefaction and stability analysis of soils, signal processing and ground motion record selection and scaling. During her PhD, Kiana was involved in an industrial project defined by a research contract between Politecnico di Milano, Italy and Munich RE, Germany with the objective of seismic hazard and

risk assessment of large urban areas worldwide (Santiago, Chile; Wellington, New Zealand; Thessaloniki, Greece; Istanbul, Turkey etc.) through physics-based ground motion numerical simulations. Her doctoral research was focused specifically on implementation of physics-based numerical approaches for prediction of seismic ground motion in the city of Thessaloniki and broader area which had been selected as a benchmark site in the framework of 2013–2016 STREST FP7 European Collaborative Research Project. For that aim, she performed numerical simulation of seismic wave propagation by constructing a large-scale 3D model of the Thessaloniki broader area based on the available data regarding both the characterization of the seismic sources and geological, geotechnical and geophysical aspects.


Saroj Maharjan


Engineering seismologist

Saroj Maharjan is a 4-years experienced Engineering Seismologist. He trained in University Grenoble Alpes (UGA), France & IUSS, Pavia, Italy and practiced in seismic hazard department of specialized organizations (Global Earthquake Model – GEM and FUGRO) before joining SEISTER end of 2020.


Under the supervision of senior staff, he performed numerous probabilistic seismic hazard calculations and soil response analysis for large engineering facilities including bridges, dams, pipelines, oil and gas facilities and LNG terminals located in several countries and throughout France including industrial



facilities particularly in the framework of the French Decree 15/02/2018.

In parallel, he has been actively involved in research and development within the domain of seismology and earthquake engineering. His skills include the development of earthquake catalogues from multiple national and international sources, completeness period assessment using statistical tools and the calculation of magnitude-frequency distribution to characterize the activity rates adopting zone-based and zoneless seismic source models. Saroj has also strong skills in signal processing and code development for seismic data analyses

Kiana Hashemy
Engineering seismologist

Hussein Shible is a junior engineering seismologist graduated with a civil engineering diploma and achieved his Master and Ph.D. degree in the field of engineering seismology from Grenoble Alpes University in France.


He trained in the research Laboratory of ISTerre (Institut de Science de la Terre, Grenoble, France) and joined CEA-Cadarache during his Ph.D. The Ph.D. work of H. Shible was carried out in the framework of SIGMA-2 program and other research and development programs that concern French nuclear facilities.

His investigations were closely related to site-specific hazard assessments, so he conducted research on topics related to empirical and numerical site effects estimations using different methods. Hussein was involved in an international benchmark (GITEC) on generalized inversion techniques, where he was in charge of coordination of the project and representation in front of the scientific community. He also worked on the development of new ground motion prediction equations for reference hazard conditions, a key point in the hazard assessment studies. He also participated in several different activities such as the preparation of strong-motion databases and geophysical campaigns.


Antoine Poujol



Antoine is a geologist specialized in active tectonics, paleoseismology and quaternary geochronology. He achieved his PhD at Geosciences MONTPELLIER in 2014 with a thesis on the present-day deformation in Morocco along the convergent Africa-Eurasia tectonic plates.


His doctoral research was focused on studying paleo-earthquakes combining field trips and office works (from remote sensing analysis to isotopic geochemistry at lab). After one year working as consultant for seismic hazard companies based in France and Belgium regarding nuclear facilities

projects in Turkey and England, he started a ~4-years postdoctoral position in Taiwan (Asia). During these four years, he performed tectonics and paleoseismological studies on the frontal thrusts of one of the most seismically active area in the world (the Central Range in Taiwan). He performed numerous geological field trips worldwide in order to better understand the active faults and their kinematics as well as their history through the characterization of past earthquake ruptures. Before joining SEISTER, Antoine was working at the University of Tours as Lecturer and Researcher during two years.

Hussein Shible
Engineering seismologist

Yacine Benjelloun



Yacine is an earthquake geologist with a PhD in Earth Sciences from Grenoble Alpes University (France). He recently joined SEISTER where he contributes on geological site characterization and the development of seismic source models for both probabilistic and deterministic seismic hazard assessments.


Before joining SEISTER, he was involved in carrying out paleoseismic studies along major continental active faults to assess their coseismic and cumulative slip signals and constrain their long-term slip rate and recurrence.

His area of expertise covers geomorphological field investigations, fault trenching and archeoseismology, the acquisition, processing and interpretation of high-resolution topography, general cartography and morphometric analysis performed with GIS, and geochronology. During his PhD, Yacine applied a multidisciplinary approach to characterize the recent activity of the North Anatolian fault in the southeast of the Marmara Sea, in an area with a significant record of damaging historical earthquakes. For this, he combined field work and satellite imagery processing to evaluate the morphological signature of the last major ruptures along the fault. Through an inventory of seismic damage on ancient buildings, he also constrained the EMS-98 intensity range associated with the historical earthquakes.


Marjorie is in charge of the Human Resources, HSE and Quality Assurance System.

Marjorie Martino


Executive assistant

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