SEISTER is a consulting company specialized in the fields
of geosciences, geological and seismic engineering.
Founded in 2018 it is formed by a team of internationally-
recognized experts providing client-focused innovative solutions
for seismic hazard and risk studies for large projects.
Nuclear, Oil & Gas, Chemical Industry, Large Infrastructures, Dams, R&D programs.
Seister has been certified by the French Ministry (Ministère de la transition écologique et solidaire)
to conduct the seismic hazard assessment studies for SEVESO critical facilities in application
of the February 15th, 2018 French decree.
• International recognition acquired by the managers during their respective careers.
• Involvement in key positions in PSHA & PFDHA studies conducted under SSHAC processes: peer-review panel, technical integration, calculation team.
• An exceptional knowledge of French context and regulations given our professional background.
• A quality requirement, 80% of our studies are subject to peer review.
• International experience in seismic hazard and risk studies for large projects.
• Involvement in research programs (scientific committees, steering, innovation).
• A contribution to the development of regulations (French, European, international).
• External expertise: IAEA, World Bank, UN.
• Design and development of specialized software
for seismic engineering.